Understanding Watercolour Values


A new video to help you level up your watercolour skills!

You can never practice too much. I always tell my students and workshop attendees that drawing and painting are motor skills. The more you practice, the better you will become!

Now you may be thinking: “Hah! Yeah right.” It is one hundred percent true though. It’s like anything we learn in life. It requires time and patience. Professional artists have been practicing since they were little and I guarantee their first drawings were nothing special.

This week I decided to film some of my own practice. When the motivation hits but I lack inspiration, I always fall back to the most basic exercises. These not only help me improve but they tend to help get those creative juices flowing.

Watercolour Values

Understanding colour values can dramatically increase your ability to create good work. With watercolour especially, colour value exercises also translates to practicing water control. Since we don’t typically use white paint, the lightness or darkness of a colour rests entirely on the amount of water you use.

Practice and paint along with me in this new video!

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